Gunung Rinjani

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara . Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3,726 m above sea level and is located at latitude 8 º 25 'latitude and 116 º 28 ' BT is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia for its beautiful scenery . This mountain is part of the Mount Rinjani National dariTaman which has an area of ​​approximately 41,330 hectares and the proposed addition is that this will be a 76,000 ha to the west and east .

Rinjani has panaroma best among the mountains in Indonesia . Each year ( June-August ) visited by many nature lovers from local residents , students , nature lovers .

Temperatures average about 20 ° C ; Lowest 12 ° C. Strong winds are common at peak in August .

In addition to the summit , a place that is frequented Segara Chicks , a lake located at an altitude of 2,000 m above sea level. To reach this location we can climb from Senaru village or villages Sembalun Lawang ( two nearest entry point at an altitude of 600m asl and 1.150m asl ) .

Most climbers begin ascent of climbing routes Sembalun and ending in Senaru , it can save 700 m altitude . Sembalun the rather long but flat , and the weather is hotter because through the scorching savanna ( cold temperatures but direct solar radiation burning the skin ) . shading creams is highly recommended .

From Route Senaru climb without pause , but soft because of the weather through the woods . From these two locations on foot takes about 7 hours to the lip of the ridge at an altitude of 2.641m asl ( arrive at Senaru or Plawangan Plawangan Sembalun ) . In place of this view toward the lake , as well as outwards very good . From Plawangan Senaru ( if rising from the direction of Senaru ) down to the lake through the steep wall to a height of 2,000 meters above sea level ) that can be reached within 2 hours . We could camp on the lake , fishing ( Carper , Mujair ) are aplenty . Lombok residents have a tradition of visiting puppies soon to soak in hot tubs and fishing .

To reach the top ( of the lake ) had to climb the wall walk west up the ridge as high as 700m and as high as 1,000 m were taken within 2 hours of stage 3 and 4 hours . The first stage towards Plawangan Sembalun , the last camp to wait for the morning . Summit attack is usually done at 3 pm to find beautiful moments - the sunrise at the summit of Rinjani . The trip to the summit is considered good ; because climbing on the crater rim with a safety margin mediocre . Terrain of sand , stone , soil . Final height of 200 meters should be taken with great difficulty , because one step forward followed by a half-step down ( fallen rocks gravel ) . Create highlander - the most challenging places and favored because of the rough terrain pays off with the beautiful natural scenery . Mount Agung in Bali , Mount Ijen - Merapi in Banyuwangi and Mount Tambora on Sumbawa clearly visible when the weather is nice in the morning . To climb Rinjani no tools required , just stamina , patience and " passion" .

Overall the trip can be achieved in the course of three days and two nights , or if you want to see two other objects : Cave Milk and New Finger mountain ( Mount Rinjani child with a new crater in the middle of the lake ) need an extra two days of travel . Logistical preparation is necessary, but fortunately everything can be obtained in the nearby village . Tent , sleeping bag , eating utensils , groceries and whatever is needed ( including radio communications ) can be rented from the homestay homestay - mushroomed in Senaru village .


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