Jaya Wijaya Mountain

Friday, May 2, 2014

Jayawijaya mountain is named for the mountain range that extends lengthwise in the center of the province of West Papua and Papua ( Indonesia ) to Papua New Guinea on the island Newguinea . Before the unification of West Papua to Indonesia , the mountain known as the Orange Mountains . Rows of Mountains which have some of the highest peak in Indonesia is formed by removal of the sea floor thousands of years ago . Although located at an altitude of 4,800 masl , fossilized sea shells , for example , can be seen in limestone and clastic rocks contained in Jayawijaya Mountains . Therefore , in addition to being a paradise of the climbers , Jayawijaya Mountains also be a geologist's paradise world .

Jayawijaya mountain is also the only mountain and mountain in Indonesia, which has a peak covered with eternal snow . Although not all of the peaks of the cluster Jayawijaya Mountains that has snow . Snow is owned by several peaks even now lost due to changes in global weather .


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