Mount Batur

Mount Batur is an active volcano in the district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia. Located in the northwest of Mount Agung, ...

Mountain Gede Pangrango

National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) have an important role in the history of conservation in Indonesia. Defined as a national p...

Arjuno Mountain

Mt.Arjuno ( or Mount Arjuna , the ancient name ) is located in Malang , East Java , Strato -type with a height of 3,339 m above sea level...

Lawu Mountain

Lawu ( 3,265 m ) is located on the island of Java , Indonesia , precisely on the border of Central Java and East Java . Status of this mo...

Sumbing Mountain

Cleft mountain is a volcano located on the island of Java, Indonesia. Upright as high as 3,371 meters above sea level, this mountain is l...

Slamet Mountain

Gunung Slamet  (3.428  meter   dpl. ) adalah  gunung berapi  yang terdapat di  Pulau Jawa . Gunung ini berada di perbatasan Kabupaten Br...

Gunung Kerinci

Gunung Kerinci  (juga dieja "Kerintji", dan dikenal sebagai Gunung Gadang, Berapi Kurinci, Kerinchi, Korinci, atau Puncak I...

Kelimutu Mountain

Kelimutu is a volcano located on the island of Flores , NTT Province , Indonesia . The exact location of this mountain village Pemo , ...

Jaya Wijaya Mountain

Jayawijaya mountain is named for the mountain range that extends lengthwise in the center of the province of West Papua and Papua ( Indon...

Gunung Rinjani

Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara . Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indone...

Gunung Semeru

Mount Semeru is the highest volcano in East Java and the second highest from Java , precisely located in Lumajang . Mount Semeru has a he...

Gunung Bromo

Do not say you 've been to East Java when not set foot in this beautiful volcano . Mount Bromo Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is ...
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